Secure Technologies and Data Storage

As businesses become more aware of the importance data is to their business They are also concerned about protecting it. This includes protecting sensitive data from threats such as natural disasters, hackers that can wipe out storage devices, as well as unauthorized destruction or deletions by employees. It’s a challenge that requires the balance of three main concerns that are integrity, confidentiality and availability.

Secure Technologies and Data Storage

Data storage security refers to the set of physical, technical and administrative controls to protect the system and data from unauthorized access and tampering, as well as theft or destruction. It’s a strategy that includes hardware management, application development and security for networks. The key to ensuring effective storage security is having a comprehensive security strategy with clear policies, planning and procedures.

Based on the industries and the countries in which companies operate, there may be here are the findings laws that affect data security. These include PCI DSS, Sarbanes Oxley and HIPAA. While these regulations set out standards for security but they typically leave it to the company to decide what methods and techniques they employ to protect their information.

It is a popular and efficient method of securing data. It renders files unreadable unless a key is approved. The cryptographic processing can impact performance and slow down applications. Intel(r) Software Guard Extensions, like can help increase security and increase encryption speed without decreasing performance. So, organizations can benefit from both worlds: better performance as well as more robust protection of data.

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