The Benefits of a Board Portal Solution

A well-chosen board portal solution can provide a wealth of benefits for organizations seeking to improve meeting workflows, collaborate confidently with secure features, and improve governance. It is essential to review every feature with care and avoid over-engineered with unnecessary features that could increase the cost of a solution. It is also essential that your provider of a board portal has a solid track record and has a quick response to customer inquiries in the event of a problem. Asking potential vendors for feedback and references from customers who have successfully used their software in the past can be beneficial.

Meeting Process Streamlined

Modern portals enable board members to access agendas, documents, meeting notifications and digital board packs on their tablets and smartphones. They allow note-taking online and direct messaging between board members regarding specific topics. All communications are securely recorded on the portal. Meeting minutes are automatically created from these discussions, and it’s simple to add an electronic signature to any of your board’s documents.

Board members can easily note notes on documents prior to an event to better prepare for and participate in the discussion. Meetings can also be held in person, virtually or in an hybrid format. The ability to create board books from these meetings is crucial as is the ability to have previous copies updated automatically when lines change. In addition, the ability to conduct a debrief after the meeting allows leaders to decide on the best path for the next steps and document any agreed upon decisions.

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